
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Climate Change Poster

 Climate Change Poster

This week for reading we are learning about climate change. We had the option of make a poster about climate change or write 5 things about climate change. We also had to read texts about climate change.
Here is my poster:
If you made a poster what will it look like?

Monday, September 27, 2021

Last week readig


This is the last day for reading for this term and I had a lot of fun making it. We had three options are create an event for your community - St Francis or your living community. create a word brick or your own ‘Be’ poem. I did a Be, also the goal is making connections and synthesizing.
 Here is my BE poem!
If you made a BE poem what will it look like?

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Baking Scones (Reading)


This week for reading we were learning about instructions. For the create we had to pick one of the instructions and do it and take a photo of the end results. I chose the baking one but because I have allergies I thought the ingredients won't work that well but in the end they worked really well. 
What will your scones look like?

Thursday, September 2, 2021



This week for reading we had to read two texts about happiness and hobbies. In the second text I learn that hobbies can keep your mind of things if you are stressed and it dose not matter if you are good at it. For this weeks create task was had a lot of options to chose from and I did hobbies to try in lock down. I recommend to try Cooking, Play a Sport or Learning an Instruments.
Here is my work.
What hobbies do you do?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Reading (Mindset)


This week for reading we had to read 3 texts and watch one video about mindsets. The first text is about the man who thinks, the second was a video about Michael Jordan's mindset, the third one was about kind moments in the Olympics, and the last text was about quitting.

We had to pick one of the goals and pick one of the texts and fill out a template, I did the text about quitting. I did goal two so we had to find connections about the mean ideas about the text and make two questions that will link up to two of the other texts.

For the DLO we had to find some one famous and write times in there life when they did not give up and what mindset did they have. I did Albert Einstein because I know a lot about him and I love the equation E=MC2.
Here is the DLO (digital learning object)
Who did you do?


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Reading Wk3 (peace)


This week for reading we made our own peace logo but before that we read about inner peace. There a really cool quote that says without inner peace you can not have outer peace. We had to find a text for an article about inner peace and I think I found a really good article because it has a lot of other stuff about inner peace with it, the site is could positive psychology .

To me inner peace means having peace with your self and respect who you are with, and outer peace means to me that you have peace with the people around you.

For the create we had to remake a peace symbol and make it our own. I chose a dove and I made him holding a sine meaning peace is this way and he as a heart that has some peace words in it.

If you did this what would your symbol be like?

Friday, June 25, 2021

Reading Wk8

  Reading (Kiwi kids news)

This week for reading we got to chose 3 articles from kiwi kids news and they all have to be in different categories, for example: World, Sport, Health, Odd news, National and business.

The three categories I did is:

Odd news,



For my first article I did message in a bottle arrives in NZ, which is in the Odd news category. The reason why I chose this one was because it remembered me about pirates or in the old days. In the article did you know it was from a Greek sailor who has never been to New Zealand. I found out that it was in the ocean for months, and the article was interesting because I was not expecting that it was going to end up in New 



For my second article I did Stress Which is in the heath category. I thought this was a good article to read because sometime I get into a lot of stress. did you know that stress is cause by physical challenges, this was interesting because stress can make your heart beat faster. I found out that you can prevent stress by:

Get enough sleep

Get regular exercise

Do something every day that helps you to relax.

And eat healthy food and nutrition every day

And for my last article I read China sends three astronauts into space which is in the world category. I picked this one because I really like space, I figured out that This trip will be China’s first crewed mission. did you know that for the past 6 months China has active in a space exploration programme. I found this article interesting because they will be spending 3 months in space.

what three category will you do?

Thursday, April 1, 2021



For today's topic we are going to do Reading
OK Reading this week we had to reading two article about some places in Christchurch and famous places in the world. I read about ester Island and Canterbury Museum.
then we had a choice to make a Venn Diagram or make a new place in Christchurch that can relate to the past or the future and link it to the article that we read.
if you do not know what this is these are animals native to NZ and they are statues at represent them.

What and were will you do this?

Thursday, June 4, 2020


this week my group had to make a screencastify to show how to do a good email.

I hope you like my video.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Welcome Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.